Wellness Center

This is the ideal solution for spending precious moments dedicated to yourself.

The tranquillity is guaranteed by the limited number of guests (a maximum of 6) and by the opportunity to sip a good herbal tea surrounded by aromatherapy scents. The Wellness Area is available for guests and whoever wants to discover it.

The welcoming heated water hydro massage pool, the Finnish spa, the Turkish bath, the Scottish shower and the chromo therapy showers prepare the mind and the body to receive a beneficial massage.

€ 30,00 per person for 90 min.

Body Massage




€ 55.00 60 minutes

The main aim of this treatment is general relaxation, reduction of muscular rigidity, stimulation of circulation, oxygenation of tissues, removal of toxins and improvement of muscle tone. muscle stiffness, stimulation of circulation, oxygenation of tissues, removal of toxins and improvement of muscle tone.




€ 55.00 60 minutes


Helps the body regain its balance, improving and making more effective the

circulation. It is indicated to prevent problems linked to hormonal factors

diet and unhealthy lifestyle habits that cause cellulite and other aesthetic problems.



€ 60.00 60 minutes

Quickly helps you regain contact with your body and your emotions, promoting a deep and lasting state of psychophysical well-being. It relieves physical and nerves. It stimulates the production of endorphins, which help to restore tranquillity and serenity.


CALIFORNIAN MASSAGE                                                         

€ 60.00 70 minutes

It brings immediate benefits to our organism and, if carried out in several sessions, helps prevent and combat panic attacks, stress, insomnia and depression. It is indicated, in particular, for those facing periods of high stress, for those suffering from insomnia and fatigue, for those wanting to overcome anxieties and fears, and for those on a path of personal growth.


STRETCHING MASSAGE                                                                      

€ 50.00 50 minutes

This is practised on specific body regions in order to improve athletic performance. It is a massage suitable for professional and amateur athletes, but is suitable for everyone, regardless of age, type of sport practised and performance level. Its benefits are immediate, and the elimination of muscular and mental tension and relaxation allow the body to regenerate.


€ 40.00 30 minutes – € 55.00 60 minutes

     This is a mix of techniques and manoeuvres that manipulate tissues that are located deep within the body, such as connective tissue and muscle tissue, in order to release contractures and stimulate blood circulation. The aim of the treatment is to release chronic tension in muscles located in a specific area of the body.



€ 55.00 50 minutes


A relaxing and enveloping massage performed in the soft atmosphere of a candle melting in warm aromatic oil. Soothing and revitalising, it makes the skin soft and supple


€ 40.00 30 minutes

Performed consistently and regularly, it tones the facial muscles, reactivates the circulation, prevents the formation of wrinkles, gives the skin elasticity, removes impurities and relieves tension.


€ 60.00 60 minutes

Harnesses the properties of essences, bringing countless benefits to mind and body. Slows cellular ageing, acts on the nervous system and deeply relaxes the muscles.


€ 30.00 25 minutes

Promotes blood and lymphatic circulation, reducing the annoying feeling of tiredness and heaviness of feet and ankles.